Thursday, 10 November 2011

Last Interview

We have finally had our last interview with the SW.  Thank goodness. We sure were getting sick of answering the same questions over and over again.  The questions are quite invasive and quite detail oriented and a lot of them irrelevant. Don't get me wrong, she is a lovely lady and all but boy we both just felt so tired of it all.  Anyway, we are waiting now to sign off on our home study (that could take another 2 weeks) and then on to the next step to complete our dossier (not sure what those steps are).  We still have to take a few more courses and join an association that will be a support network for us.  I am thankful for that.  She also recommended a book for us to read called, Connected Kids.  She said it is a practical book  and that is always good to have on ones' shelf.  So there is a bit of a sigh of relief now but there are definitely going to be challenges ahead.

X's Interview

Little Man had his visit with the SW.  It was really cute.  I told him that she was coming to play with him and to talk about  his possible future siblings.  So I think he was quite happy to have someone down on the ground who was going to play trains with him.  I was so proud of my guy's guy who wouldn't reveal his four year old feelings to just anybody (assuming he has ANY feelings at all about the adoption situation other than excitement).    She kept asking him questions like, "You are going to have to share your mommy.  How do you think that will make you feel?"  And my son would look at her pause and then say something like, "Well, this train here is diesel train and it can go slowly through crossings..." I mean he is talking about his feelings. It is just that most of his feelings revolve around trucks and trains. 

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

4th Interview

We had the fourth interview with the SW.  This time around it was about our parenting style and about our relationship.  All in all, I think it went alright.  Ben and I both felt that we had been to a marriage counselor after the session.  She even asked us to rate our marriage on a scale of one to ten.  At that point, I spoke up and said that that was a really horrible question.  Who has a perfect 10 anyway?  We got out of answering that.  I am still mad about that question.  The questions do seem a bit redundant and one does tire of the same questions formulated differently and asked a 100 different ways.  We have finished the course work and have to write the essay and then we should be close to complete.  It will be closer to five months that to four to complete this darn thing.

This Thursday Nov. 3rd, she will be interviewing X.  I wonder how that will go.