Friday, 23 December 2011


Today the F.ed E.x guy came and delivered our adoption application.  So much trouble for so little paper.  Oh well, now we have to go back to the dr. for another evaluation.  We had to do one for the homestudy as well.  It will be so nice to get our dossier together, send it off and have the ball in their court.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Picked Up

Our adoption application has been picked up in Africa by F.ed E.X.  MK you are my hero!

Friday, 16 December 2011

We Got It!

Life is sometimes so amazing.  God knows I am weak and easily discouraged.  He knows that He will have to guide me and pave the way.  He knows that, in the end,  it is up to Him whether we can make this adoption happen.  So far, He has been very easy on me.  Through a friend of a friend's brother, I am going to get my application.  I just came back from wiring him the money, which was also super easy, and now I wait til I have to send Fed Ex to pick it up.  It's funny how it wasn't the people who I thought could help that helped.  It was a long shot and my last resort when I contacted a friend of a friend's brother.  I met this lady at my son's preschool and haven't known her very long.  I was hesitant to contact her friend.  I also contacted nine adoption agencies to try and get the application. In the end, it was the most unlikely connection that got us the application. The way that seemed to me to be the most difficult was actually the easiest.  That is God's way. Now I have to phone Fed Ex and set up a pick up time.

Friday, 9 December 2011


Today, a miraculous day because our fax went through.  This means nothing but it does mean that faxes can and sometimes will go through.  This is something to rejoice in today.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Playing Hot and Cold

Day 2 of trying to phone Africa.  I have new phone numbers this time around as I spoke with Sr. M and she gave them to me.

First phone number.  It rings and rings.  Then they say it is busy.  Fine.  I will phone the next number.
I phone the next number.

Me: Hello.
Then: Hello.
Them: Hello?
Me: Can you hear me?  (Thought I would throw that in there to vary the conversation.)

Phone goes dead.  Hmmmmm.  OK. I try again.

Me: Hello?
Them: Hello?
Me: Can you hear me?
Them: Yes, I can.
Me: I am calling from Canada.
Them: Oh yes, (mumble, mumble)...Sr. M (mumble, mumble)
Me: Great.  We need an adoption application.
Them:  (mumble, mumble)...(mumble, mumble)
Me: I don't understand. Can you repeat that?
Them: (mumble, mumble)...(mumble, mumble)
Me: Great.  Do you have a fax number?
Them: Yes, I will get it for you.

I hear laughter and talking in the background with the occasional "fax" thrown in for good measure.  Then  the phone goes dead.  Luckily for me, they called me back and gave me the number.  So, in one week's time, I have gotten warmer.  I mean not hot but warm.  I was cold before that.  Really cold.  Now I have phone numbers.  Several, in fact. I even have a fax number.  How warm is that?  But I still don't have the adoption application.   If I had that, I would be red hot.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Adoption Application Saga

So I woke up at 3:30am this morning and called the Adoption Authority in Africa  This is how it went.

First call. 
Me: Hello.  Helloooo?

Line goes dead. I wait a few mins then call again.

Me: Hello?
G: Hello.
Me: My name is KC.  I am calling from Canada.
G: Oh yes. Let me get my boss.
G: Hello.
Me: Hello my name is KC.  I am calling from Canada.  We would like to adopt some twins from your country.
G:  Are you in 'Africa' now?
Me: No. No I am not.
G: Have you ever been to 'Africa'?
Me: No. I haven't.
G: Well you are going to have to come to 'Africa'.
Me: (Ignoring that) I need an adoption application.
G: From what region would you like to adopt?
Me: UW region.
G: UW region?
Me: Yes.
G: Well you will have to contact them in that region.
Me:  I would like to but I can't find a number for the Department of Social Welfare in that region.
G: We will look for the number.  Call us back in 10 mins.
Me: Ok. Thank you.

I call back in 10 mins. 

G:  We don't have the number yet.  Call back in another 10 mins.
Me: OK

I call back in another 15 mins.  Give them a bit of extra time.

G: We weren't able to get you the number.  It seems they have changed their numbers and we don't know how to get through.  You will have to get someone to go there and get the number.  Maybe the kids you want to adopt can go there? 

Me: OK ( I see there is no point in discussing any of this further). 

G: Will you invite me to come to Canada?

Me: Sure.  Anytime.

G: Great.  OK have a good time. 

Now I know she meant, "Have a good day."  But in light of the above situation, it is going to be a "good time" a helluva good time.  I mean what a great time to be having at 4am in the morning.

On another note, I have met a lady through my son's preschool who is a christian.  And today she told me many miracle stories about her life.  She says if you really believe, God will pave the way.  Though I know this, sometimes God sends us little reminders and speaks to us through the people in our lives.  And  I realized that I must begin praying in earnest for His guidance...whatever His will may be in all this.

Monday, 5 December 2011

The Phone Call

Today I phoned African and the call went through.  I was sitting there and just letting it ring and ring and ring.  Daydreaming sort of.  Then suddenly someone answered.  I got so excited I didn't know where to begin.  Then she informed me to phone tomorrow when her boss is available.  Around 11:30 Western African time.  Oh, that's about 3:30am our time.  I think the saying should be,  "Every silver lining has a cloud."

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Friday, 2 December 2011

Things are Starting to Move...Finally

This weekend we will be signing off on our homestudy.  So glad this part of the process is over and we can move on to the nitty gritty of the adoption.  This next part will  prove to be much more difficult.  However, God has sent us someone who can walk us through the process and who has contacts in Africa.  She is keeping me afloat as there is no way I could navigate this alone.  She is an amazing blessing.  It is such a complicated process. I wouldn't even know where to begin.  I still don't think I understand it all.  It seems everytime I start getting a picture of what we have to do, something is added or changed. 

Not too many people know about this blog so it is safe to write that we would like to adopt two girls, twins, from Ghana.  It is a long story how we came to know of these girls and that is for another post.  But they are safe, well-cared for and not in an orphanage. When we went to the adoption agency this past week, we spent some time discussing other options. As we don't have 20-25 grand floating around, it re-affirmed that this is the only route we can take.  Though I have tried hard not to have any attachment to our girls, once you see some pics it is all over.

We would like to do this adoption independent of an adoption agency.  Today I have to phone the ministry to find out about  a letter that is required from the province.  If it is possible to attain this letter without an agency, we will cut ties with the agency.  This is due primarily to financial limitations.  We don't want to spend a ton of money to find out we can't go through with the adoption.  Though I do believe this is God's plan for us...everything seems to point to Ghana.

I have put together a little Christmas package for our African princesses.  I hope they receive it. God bless you L and L and  keep you safe.