Friday, 2 December 2011

Things are Starting to Move...Finally

This weekend we will be signing off on our homestudy.  So glad this part of the process is over and we can move on to the nitty gritty of the adoption.  This next part will  prove to be much more difficult.  However, God has sent us someone who can walk us through the process and who has contacts in Africa.  She is keeping me afloat as there is no way I could navigate this alone.  She is an amazing blessing.  It is such a complicated process. I wouldn't even know where to begin.  I still don't think I understand it all.  It seems everytime I start getting a picture of what we have to do, something is added or changed. 

Not too many people know about this blog so it is safe to write that we would like to adopt two girls, twins, from Ghana.  It is a long story how we came to know of these girls and that is for another post.  But they are safe, well-cared for and not in an orphanage. When we went to the adoption agency this past week, we spent some time discussing other options. As we don't have 20-25 grand floating around, it re-affirmed that this is the only route we can take.  Though I have tried hard not to have any attachment to our girls, once you see some pics it is all over.

We would like to do this adoption independent of an adoption agency.  Today I have to phone the ministry to find out about  a letter that is required from the province.  If it is possible to attain this letter without an agency, we will cut ties with the agency.  This is due primarily to financial limitations.  We don't want to spend a ton of money to find out we can't go through with the adoption.  Though I do believe this is God's plan for us...everything seems to point to Ghana.

I have put together a little Christmas package for our African princesses.  I hope they receive it. God bless you L and L and  keep you safe.

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