Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Playing Hot and Cold

Day 2 of trying to phone Africa.  I have new phone numbers this time around as I spoke with Sr. M and she gave them to me.

First phone number.  It rings and rings.  Then they say it is busy.  Fine.  I will phone the next number.
I phone the next number.

Me: Hello.
Then: Hello.
Them: Hello?
Me: Can you hear me?  (Thought I would throw that in there to vary the conversation.)

Phone goes dead.  Hmmmmm.  OK. I try again.

Me: Hello?
Them: Hello?
Me: Can you hear me?
Them: Yes, I can.
Me: I am calling from Canada.
Them: Oh yes, (mumble, mumble)...Sr. M (mumble, mumble)
Me: Great.  We need an adoption application.
Them:  (mumble, mumble)...(mumble, mumble)
Me: I don't understand. Can you repeat that?
Them: (mumble, mumble)...(mumble, mumble)
Me: Great.  Do you have a fax number?
Them: Yes, I will get it for you.

I hear laughter and talking in the background with the occasional "fax" thrown in for good measure.  Then  the phone goes dead.  Luckily for me, they called me back and gave me the number.  So, in one week's time, I have gotten warmer.  I mean not hot but warm.  I was cold before that.  Really cold.  Now I have phone numbers.  Several, in fact. I even have a fax number.  How warm is that?  But I still don't have the adoption application.   If I had that, I would be red hot.


  1. Prayers! You and this special intention are included in our novena for the Immaculate Conception. At least you have a cheerful attitude about all this frustration! Peace!

  2. Hi J,
    You are my first comment. I am humbled. :)
